Sunday, March 22, 2009

On the receiving end of love…

How do we recognize love? It comes in so many different packages. Love is a gift form God for God is love. I prayed and I prepared myself for an encounter with You having no idea that the plan was already written for what was about to happen. First, I found myself talking with you then I found myself listening to you as you spoke healing words to my heart. Needless to say I cried. I always cry when we meet. Your love amazes me! You always know exactly what I need and in what ever form that I need it, and it is always the exact right time. You are an answered prayer. You amaze me. I can’t ever imagine life without you. At one moment my heart is opened and in the next moment you take away all the hurt, all the brokenness. I am overwhelmed with you. I am engulfed in your love. At the time I wasn’t sure that I would reach my destination, but you had a plan and a purpose. I drove in on a prayer and landed safely.

I had no idea what was about to happen, talking about preparing a place, you certainly did. Your servant was on standby, waiting for my arrival. I was blown out of the water. You nursed my wounds, you fed me, you gave me shelter. You loved me. We laughed, we cried, we sang, we danced, we loved. That is the best description that I can come-up with. You loved me enough to lead me to still waters, to restore my soul. Just when I was thinking, "I got this," you let me know that truly I am not in control. I am learning to trust you. I am beginning to realize that you know what I need even better than I myself. I am trusting you.

I thought that I had already worked this thing out, but I am not sure at this moment that I know much at all. I have studied, I have prepared, I am becoming, but I have yet to become. I am beginning to learn that loving is more than giving, loving is receiving…
I have been purposing to learn what love is and how to give it. I never realized until the last couple of days that I don’t know how to receive. It is better to give than to receive, this is truth, but when you can’t receive you are not allowing others to give.
Lord, I pray that you will teach me to receive. I need You so much…

Monday, March 16, 2009

Never Alone Monday, March 16, 2009

I’m not sure what I am feeling tonight. I feel really empty or alone. I know that I am never alone because the word says that Jesus never leaves me or forsakes me. I know that word is true. I have been enjoying a new found relationship. I have some really good friends, and I know that we all need a friends. I guess that I have not been spending the proper amount of time with you, Lord. I know that in the past when I start feeling that empty feeling inside that I have not been with you often enough.
Help me Lord to not replace you with anything or anybody. I love my friends and I love to talk to people, but I have to talk to you and allow you to refill me, I get empty when I pour-out and don’t take time to get filled-up. I so appreciate that you are reminding me of this at this moment. The devil will always come to put thoughts into our minds if we allow him the opportunity. I know so very well what his tactics are. He has used them so many times on me and I have fallen into the same trap more than once.
This time Lord, because You love me so much and I have spent enough time with you, I know better. I could have gone to bed tonight and cried because of the way that I was feeling, but instead I felt an urging to write something and little did I know when I sat down that you had a message for me. I love you Jesus, and I just want to say thank you for being mindful of me as always. Help me come to you each day and get a refilling of the living water that only you can give. Keep me close to you, Lord, just where I need to be from this day forward and each day in the future until that glorious day that we meet each other face to face.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

What is a Friend?

What is a Friend?

A friend is one that you can always be yourself with and never have to worry that they won’t approve of who you are. A friend knows when to laugh with you and also when to laugh at you. They are, at least for the most part, available for you if you want to share the good or the bad and If for some reason they aren’t, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if they could have been there for you, that they would have. A real friend is almost like a second skin. They help you to redirect your thinking if you find yourself on the wrong track, but they do it in such a way that you don’t even feel the pain of being wrong in the first place. They always have a word of encouragement. When they say something you can always expect that it will propel you into a better position. You look forward to every conversation that you have with them because you know that the both of you will come-out better for the time spent. Something else about a true friend is that you can always pick-up where you left off, no matter how much time passes.

I can truly say that you are all of the above and more! Reuniting with you has been a pivotal point in my life. I am suddenly feeling a desire to get-up in the morning, just to see how much I can accomplish in a day that I can tell you about. You have helped me come to life, to want to dream, to want to accomplish all that God has placed in my heart. I will be forever grateful for you as my friend because of the role that you have been called to play. I am beginning to believe in my ability to be the person that God created me to be. This I dare say is due to the fact that you love me with the love of Jesus, for who I am and you validate me from whence I came and even the road that I’ve had to travel to get to where I am at this moment. I just want to thank you from the very depth of my heart and I pray that I will be used in your life in such a way that you can also say that I have also had an impact on you and yours. I love you with the love that comes straight from God for as you and I know that is who He is!

Only God can make a friend for every good and perfect gift comes from above…
James 1:17

Please Note: If this describes a friend of yours, please feel free to copy and send it to them.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th...what's the big deal?

Friday, the 13th... the 12th, the 7th who cares...personally, I don't have a supersticious bone in my body. I just don't believe in such as that. I have had a simply wonderful day today, but I am thrilled that today is Friday "the something"!

I have been on spring break this week along with my students at MTSU! I know that I have gotten some much needed rest and have had the time to set-up this blog as well as getting to some other business that needed my attention! On Monday, I will be back on campus to finish-out the semester. I have trully missed interacting with my students. I really like people and I like spending time with and helping them.

I am so thankful that spring is in the air again. We have had a few colder days lately, but this next week should be great! I don't have alot more to say, but I do hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Remember to take time to be with those that you love and let's make each day count for something!

Love to you,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bonnee Life, Ministry, Music...

I am coming on board for the first time! I am very excited about all of the things that are going on! I wear many hats...motherhood, ministry, teaching, recording and writing songs, writing and publishing books to name a few! I look forward to sharing my life with you!